Table 6
Abundances of CH3OH calculated in this work, and towards other star-forming regions both in the Galaxy and in external galaxies.
Xco[CH3OH] (a) × 10−9 | XHer[CH3OH] (b) ×10−9 | |
WB89-379 | 2.1(0.4) | 2.1(0.4) |
WB89-380 | 2.9(0.4) | – |
WB89-391 | 3.3(0.6) | – |
WB89-399 | 2.4(0.7) | 0.6(0.2) |
WB89-437 | 4.4(0.6) | – |
WB89-501 | 1.8(0.3) | – |
WB89-621 | 5.8(0.9) | 7.4(1.1) |
WB89-789 | 1.8(0.4) | 1.1(0.2) |
19383+2711 | - | – |
19423+2541 | - | 6.0(0.7) |
WB89-006 | 3.0(0.5) | – |
WB89-035 | 2.2(1.3) | 2.9(2.5) |
WB89-076 | 4.4(0.9) | 6.9(1.4) |
WB89-080 | 1.1(0.2) | 2.3(0.5) |
WB89-283 | 1.4(0.2) | 6.0(1.0) |
Inner and local Galaxy | X[CH3OH] | Ref.(c) |
IRDC cores | 0.52–65 × 10−9 | (1) |
IRDC cores | ≤1 × 10−9 | (2) |
HMSF cores | 0.07–1.5 × 10−9 | (3) |
HMSF cores | 0.9× 10−9 | (2) |
Hot cores | 2.6 × 10−8 | (2) |
HMSF cores | 0.4–24× 10−9 | (4) |
OG cores and low-metallicity galaxies | ||
OG cores | 0.2–4.9 × 10-9 | (5) |
WB89-789 hot core | 1.7 × 10−7 | (6) |
Small Magellanic Cloud | 0.5–1.5 × 10−8 | (7) |
Large Magellanic Cloud | 2 × 10−10-5.6 × 10−8 | (8, 9) |
Notes. (a)From NCO(H2), given in Table 1; (b)From NHer(H2), given in Table 1; (c) References: (1) Vasyunina et al. (2014, averaged on an angular scale of 29″); (2) Gerner et al. (2014, averaged on an angular scale of 11″); (3) Minier & Booth (2002, averaged on an angular scale of 34″); (4) van der Tak et al. (2000, averaged on an angular scale of 18″); (5) Bernal et al. (2021, averaged on a beam of 63″); (6) Shimonishi et al. (2021, averaged on an angular scale of 1.9″); (7) Shimonishi et al. (2018, averaged on an angular scale of ~0.6″); (8) Sewilo et al. (2018, averaged on an angular scale of ~0.8″); Sewilo et al. (2022, averaged on an angular scale of ~0.8″).
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