Table 3
CH3OH line parameters.
Source | ![]() |
![]() |
θS(CH3OH)(2) arcsec | V(3) km s−1 | FWHM(3) km s−1 | Ntot(3) × 1013 cm−2 | Tex(3) K |
WB89-379 | 0.04(0.01) | 0.085 | 43(11) | −89.25(0.04) | 1.65(0.10) | 1.4(0.1) | 11.0(1.0) |
WB89-380 | 0.043(0.007) | 0.102 | 42(8) | −86.48(0.05) | 3.44(0.12) | 3.5(0.2) | 12.0(1.0) |
WB89-391 | 0.06(0.008) | 0.133 | 48(9) | −85.91(0.03) | 1.48(0.08) | 1.4(0.1) | 10(1) |
WB89-399 | 0.023(0.008) | 0.029 | 110(35) | −82.21(0.06) | 1.04(0.10) | 0.25(0.05) | 12(2) |
WB89-437 | 0.09(0.01) | 0.240 | 36(6) | −71.57(0.03) | 2.98(0.08) | 9.1(0.3) | 14(0.5) |
WB89-501 | 0.045(0.008) | 0.094 | 51(11) | −58.63(0.05) | 1.75(0.10) | 1.5(0.1) | 11.0(1.0) |
WB89-621 | 0.20(0.01) | 0.473 | 42(5) | −25.38(0.03) | 1.74(0.06) | 8.5(0.4) | 12(1) |
WB89-789 | – | 0.081 | –(4) | 34.06 (0.05) | 2.10(0.13) | 1.0(0.1) | 9.7(0.8) |
19383+2711 | 0.028 | 0.051 | 58(6) | −65.25(0.05) | 2.17(0.12) | 1.7(0.1) | 15(1) |
19423+2541 | 0.049(0.005) | 0.111 | 45(7) | −72.42(0.05) | 3.95(0.12) | 4.1(0.1) | 12.2(0.5) |
WB89-006 | – | 0.108 | –(4) | −91.37(0.05) | 2.92(0.12) | 1.9(0.1) | 9.6(0.5) |
WB89-035 | – | 0.045 | –(4) | −77.70(0.07) | 2.28(0.16) | 1.1(0.8) | 10.9(0.6) |
WB89-076 | 0.087(0.008) | 0.170 | 54(8) | −97.23(0.04) | 1.56(0.10) | 1.5(0.2) | 7.0(0.5) |
WB89-080 | – | 0.081 | –(4) | −74.41(0.06) | 1.89(0.13) | 1.0(0.1) | 9.8(0.9) |
WB89-283 | – | 0.058 | –(4) | -94.45(0.03) | 1.31(0.07) | 0.83(0.05) | 16.4(1.4) |
Notes.(1) Peak intensity of the 2(0,2)–1(0,1) A+ transition observed with the ARO-12m () and IRAM-30m (
) telescope, respectively.
was derived from the
units given in Bernal et al. (2021) as described in Sect. 3; on
, a calibration uncertainty of 10% is assumed;(2) Angular size of the emission derived as explained in Sect. 3;(3) Best-fit parameters of the CH3OH lines obtained with madcuba fixing the source size to the value in Col. (4): centroid velocity (V), full width at half maximum (FWHM), total column density (Ntot), and excitation temperature (Tex);(4) An average size of 47″ has been assumed to fit the data.
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