Open Access

Table 2

Parameters of CH3OH, HCO, and H2CO transitions observed in this work and used in the analysis described in Sect. 3.

v(1) MHz Quantum Numbers Eu(2) K Aul(3) × 10−6s−1

3 mm
96739.358 2(1,2)–1(1,1)E2 12.5 2.5
96741.371 2(0,2)–1(0,1)A+ 7.0 3.4
96744.545 2(0,2)–1(0,1) E1 20.1 3.4
96 755.501 2(1,1)–1(1,1)E1 28.0 2.6
2 mm
145 093.707 3(0,3)–2(0,2)E1 27.1 12
145 097.370 3(1,3)–2(1,2)E2 19.5 11
145 103.152 3(0,3)–2(0,2) A+ 13.9 12
145 124.410 3(2,2)–2(2,1) A 51.6 6.9
145 126.191 3(2,1)–2(2,0) E1 36.2 6.8
145 126.386 3(2,2)–2(2,1) E2 39.8 6.9
145 131.855 3(1,2)–2(1,1) E1 35.0 11
145 133.460 3(2,1)–2(2,0) A+ 51.6 6.9


86670.760 , J = 3/2–1/2, F = 2–1 4.2 4.7
86708.360 , J = 3/2–1/2, F = 1–0 4.2 4.6
86777.460 , J = 1/2–1/2, F = 1–1 4.2 4.6
86805.780 , J = 1/2–1/2, F = 0–1 4.2 4.7


140 839.502 22 53
145 602.949 10 78

Notes. (1)Rest frequencies; (2)Energy of the upper level; (3)Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission.

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