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Fig. 3.


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Orbital decompositions of NGC 1380 and NGC 1427. Panel a-1: probability density distribution of the stellar orbits p(r, λz) in the phase space of time-averaged radius r versus circularity λz in units of stellar mass per unit area in the phase space. We show the model within 140 arcsecs (or ∼14 kpc) for NGC 1380. The stellar masses are normalized such that they sum to unity within the data coverage. Panels b-1 and c-1: stellar age t(r, λz) and metallicity Z(t, λz) distribution of the orbits in the same phase space. All distributions p(r, λz), t(r, λz), and Z(t, λz) are averages of multiple best fitting models that fall within the 1σ confidence level of the model hyperparameters. The dashed lines indicate our orbit-based division into four components: disk, warm, bulge, and hot inner stellar halo. Panels a-2, b-2, c-2: same but for NGC 1427, which does not have an extended disk.

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