Press Release
Open Access

Fig. E.1.


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Finite-time MLE and corresponding Lyapunov time FT-MLE−1 from different partial Hamiltonians (Eq. (E.1)). The bands represent the [5th, 95th] percentile range of the PDF estimated from an ensemble of 128 stable orbital solutions with very close initial conditions. The blue colour corresponds to the Fourier harmonics of Table 1, the green colour to the harmonics of the same table that only include the angular DOFs 1, 2, and 5, and the red colour to those harmonics that only involve the angular DOFs 3 and 4. The hatched regions correspond to the case where the choice of the DOFs is made across the entire ℍ6 Hamiltonian. The grey region stands for the full ℋ Hamiltonian, as shown in Fig. 1.

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