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Fig. 7.


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Major types of mass transfer evolution found across the grid of binary models. Similarly to Fig. 6, each binary model is represented by a rectangle and the background areas indicate the evolutionary state of the donor at the moment of the initial RLOF (Main Sequence, Hertzprung gap, or core-He burning). Missing rectangles are nonconverged models. Black rectangles correspond to models in which the mass transfer takes place already during the MS. Among binaries with a post-MS interaction, we differentiate between those that evolve through phase(s) of nuclear-timescale mass transfer (ΔTMT > 105 yr, in magenta) and those in which the interaction happens on a short thermal timescale (ΔTMT < 105 yr, typically < 104 yr, in blue). In addition, in hatch are models in which the postinteraction donor phase with Teff < Teff; ZAMS is long (> 0.75 the core-He burning lifetime), that is models leading to partially stripped rather than hot stripped stars.

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