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Fig. 12.


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Origin of partial envelope stripping of the LMC and SMC models explained based on the response of donor stars to mass loss, using the 20 M donor case as an example. Quantities are plotted as a function of the remaining donor mass Mdon, meaning the time direction in the top two panels is to the left. Top panel: mass transfer rate from binary models (Pini ≈ 32 days). Middle panel: equilibrium radius Rth; eq that the donor star would need to have in order to be in thermal equilibrium, compared with its Roche lobe size RRL. For as long as Rth; eq > RRL, the thermal-timescale mass transfer continues to strip the envelope of the donor. Vertical dotted lines mark the points when Rth; eq = RRL, the donor can regain equilibrium, and the mass transfer may stop or slow down to the nuclear timescale. Bottom panel: internal He abundance profile of the donor at the onset of RLOF.

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