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Fig. 9.


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High-resolution radio contour images of the continuum and molecular line emission. The two black crosses are the OH emission regions OH1 and OH2 shown in Fig. 1, and the colored crosses correspond to the following center coordinate positions: The blue line is the HCO+ emission contour averaged channels with velocity in the range 10763.3–11031.8 km s−1, with the contour level: 0.00075 × (1, 2, 4, 8, 16) Jy beam−1; the magenta contour represents the continuum emission from the 33 GHz VLA-A observation with contour level: 0.0000441 × (1, 2, 4, 8) Jy beam−1; the green contour is the CO line emission at the channel with a peak velocity about 10 887 km s−1, with contour: 0.0063 × (1, 2, 4, 8, 16) Jy beam−1.

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