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Fig. 4.


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Dynamically derived integrated quantities. Left panel: comparison of the photometric and dynamical stellar masses in the Burkert (blue) and NFW (pink) halo profiles for coadded RCs. The black solid line shows the one-to-one relations. We note that the dynamical stellar masses obtained assuming the Burkert halo agree very well with the photometric stellar masses. In contrast, the dynamical stellar masses obtained with the NFW halo are lower than the photometric stellar masses by a factor of 0.5 dex. Right panel: dynamically derived bulge masses versus stellar masses, in the case of Burkert (blue) and NFW (pink) halo profiles for coadded RCs. We compared our results of the same redshift range (z = 0.6 − 1.2) and a similar stellar mass sample with a pioneering study by Genzel et al. (2020, red filled circles), and we found that in our sample B/T is never higher than ∼0.3, which is different from what is reported by Genzel et al. (2020).

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