Open Access

Table 2

Adopted physical parameters for Triton and its atmosphere.

Triton’s body

Mass(1) GMT = 1.428 × 1012 m3 s−2
Radius(1) RT = 1353 km

Triton’s geometry on 5 October 2017

Triton pole position(2) αp = 20h 09m 29.40s
(J2000) δp =20° 25’ 34.2”
Sub-solar latitude 40.0° S
Sub-observer latitude 40.5° S
Sub-observer longitude 169.9° E
N. pole position angle(3) 305.7°
Geocentric distance D = 4.3506 × 109 km

Triton’s atmosphere parameters

N2 molecular mass µ = 4.652 × 10−26 kg
N2 specific heat at constant pressure cp = 1.04 × 103 JK−1 kg−1
N2 molecular K = 1.091 × 10−23
refractivity +(6.282 × 10−262µm)
(visible bands (4)) cm3 molecule−1
Refractivity at 3.6 cm(5) K = 1.0945 × 10−23 cm3 molecule−1
Boltzmann constant kB = 1.380626× 10−23 JK−1

Notes. (1)McKinnon et al. (1995), where G is the constant of gravitation. (2)On 5 October 2017, using Davies et al. (1996), with corrections available at (3)Position angle of Triton’s north pole projected in the sky plane. Counted positively from celestial north to celestial east. (4)Washburn (1930). (5)G95.

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