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Table B.2.

Fraction of different spectral classes inside each of the 3D substructures detected in Sect. 5. Columns list the following information: (1) id of the sub-clump, (2)-(3)-(4) fractions of [P+red HDS], [blue HDS+wELG] and [mELG+ELGs15+ELGs40] for each substructure, respectively.

Sub-clump P+red HDS blue HDS+wELG mELG+ELGs15+ELGs40
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1-red 55±5% 18±2% 27±3%
2-purple 57±6% 16±3% 27±3%
3-blue 40±6% 20±4% 40±3%
4-orange 37±8% 21±6% 42±7%
5-green 30±8% 16±6% 54±11%

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