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Table B.1.

Results for the detection of 3D substructures with a significance > 99.9% in the whole sample of cluster members of A S1063. Columns list the following information: (1) id of the sub-clump, (2) number of assigned members, (3) peak velocity in km s−1, and (4) coordinates.

Sub-clump NS velocity peak RA(J2000) DEC(J2000)
(1) (2) km s−1 (3) (4)
1-red 531 104566 22:48:44.5 -44:31:59
2-purple 336 102879 22:48:48.0 -44:31:26
3-blue 181 101479 22:48:47.6 -44:31:17
4-orange 107 104103 22:47:55.7 -44:40:22
5-green 78 103168 22:48:01.8 -44:26:32

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