Fig. 18.
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Projected phase-space distribution and fraction of galaxies with different spectral types. Main panel: projected phase-space distribution of galaxies with different spectral types. The two lines of constant (vrf/σ)×(R/r200) = 0.1, 0.4 are plotted as in Noble et al. (2013) to delineate the separation into regions of virialised (within the inner caustic), backsplash (between caustics), and infall galaxies (along and outside caustics). The dashed black line delimits the regions inside and outside r200. We indicate as regions A and B the two areas with R < r200 outside the virialised region. Top panel: fraction of P+red HDS (orange circles), blue HDS+wELG (green triangles), and mELG+ELGs15+EGs40 (blue stars) as a function of the clustercentric distance. Left and right panels: velocity distribution of the three corresponding samples inside and outside r200, respectively. The smoothed curves are the probability density functions obtained with a kernel density estimator.
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