Fig. 6.
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Normalized density (i.e., number of dust detected per unit voltage interval) of voltage peaks in monopole mode. Left panel: distribution of the voltage peaks on all monopoles from April 1 to Nov. 30, 2020. Different colors accounts for different monopoles: V1 (blue), V2/SE1 (red), V3 (green), V2/XLD1 (black). Middle panel: distribution of peak amplitudes on monopole V2 during two different periods (highlighted in green in Fig. 3). Red points correspond to the high impact rate period close to the perihelion (May 13 – June 8), black points to the low impact rate period around the aphelion (Sep 17 – Nov 3). Right panel: result of the least square fitting of all the data recorded on monopole V2 from April 1 to Nov. 30, 2020. The slope of the red curve is −1.34 ± 0.07. In all these figures, error bars are computed from , where Nbin is the number of counts in the bin, ΔVbin the bin width in mV, and Ntot the total number of events from which the histogram is computed.
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