Fig. 2.


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Parallel streaming instabilities and the dispersion relations of ion-acoustic waves. (a) The electron and ion distribution functions of the electron-ion streaming instability. For the electron distribution we use ne = 30 cm−3, Te = 15 eV, and Ve = 0.25ve and for the ion distribution we use ni = 30 cm−3, Ti = 3 eV. (c) The distribution for the electron-electron-ion streaming instability, consisting of core electrons and ions, and an electron beam. For core electrons we use ne = 28 cm−3 and Te = 15 eV, for core ions ni = 30 cm−3 and Ti = 3 eV, and beam electrons nb = 2 cm−3, Tb = 2 eV, and Vb = vb, where Vb and vb are the bulk and thermal speeds of the electron beam. (e) The distribution for the ion beam-driven instability, consisting of core electrons and ions and an ion beam. For core electrons we use ne = 30 cm−3, Te = 15 eV, for core ions ni = 25 cm−3 and Ti = 2 eV, and beam ions nb = 5 cm−3, Tb = 2 eV, and Vb = 4vb. Panels a, c, and e: the vertical dashed line indicates the phase speed of the unstable mode where the growth rate peaks. Panels b, d, and f: dispersion relations calculated from the distributions in panels a, c, and e, respectively. The solid black lines show the dispersion relations in the plasma rest frame or θBx = 90°, while the dashed black lines show the dispersion relations Doppler shifted due to the solar wind flow past the spacecraft for θBx = 0° and Vsw = 350 km s−1. The red curves show the growth rate γ. In panel f the higher-frequency dispersion relation is stable γ < 0 for all k, while the lower-frequency mode is unstable.

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