Fig. 2.
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Predictions of proton and 4He nucleus fluxes during the summer 2020 for the Solar Orbiter mission. The top and bottom continuous (protons) and dashed (4He nuclei) curves are obtained with the G&A model above 70 MeV(/n) for a solar modulation parameter of 300 and 340 MV c−1, respectively. The dotted curve represents the lower limit to the predictions of the proton spectrum for the same period, representing the Pamela experiment data gathered in 2008 during a period of solar activity similar to that of Solar Orbiter but during a negative GSMF epoch. Data are reported in Stone (1964, solid dots), Logachev et al. (2003, open triangles), and Marquardt & Heber (2019, solid triangles). The solid stars and the open squares indicate the EPD/HET measurements gathered in the summer 2020 on board Solar Orbiter for protons and helium nuclei, respectively.
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