Open Access

Table A.1

Model parameters.

Parameter Symbol Distribution Range or median
Fixed Parameters
Stellar mass 1 M
Disk viscosity α 2 × 10−3
Power law index (gas) βg 0.9
Power law index (solids) βs 1.5
Radius of planetesimals 300 m
Number of planet seeds 100
Mass of planet seeds 0.01 M

Monte Carlo parameters
Host star metallicity [Fe/H] normal − 0.03 ± 0.20
Initial gas surface density at 5.2 au Σ0 log-normal
Inner disk radius Rin log-normal
Gas disk cutoff radius Rcut,g log-normal
Solid disk cutoff radius Rcut,s log-normal Rcut,g∕2
Photoevaporation efficiency wind log-normal yr−1
Starting position of planet seeds astartb Uniform in loga Rin to 40 au

Derived parameters
Initial gas disk mass Mgas log-normal M
Initial solid disk mass Msolid ~log-normal
Dust-to-gas ratio ζd,g log-normal
Disk dispersal time tdisk

Notes. Upper panel: initial conditions that are fixed for each simulation. Middle panel: Monte Carlo parameters that are drawn randomly. Lower panel: quantities that are derived from or controlled by other parameters. Upper and lower limits denote 84th and 16th percentiles, respectively.

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