Fig. 10
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Same as Fig. 8, but for all super-Earths that ever formed during the systems’ histories. This includes both surviving planets and planets that we classified as super-Earths at the time of their removal (via ejection or collision events). Planets accreted to the star are not shown. With p = 0.25, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test suggests a negligible statistical distance between the eccentricity distributions in high- and low-metallicity systems. On the other hand, the difference between systems with and without super-Earths is significant: where they are missing, eccentricities are strongly enhanced. The period distribution in the SE ∩ CJ population, which contains surviving super-Earths, is shifted towards lower values compared to . These trends point to dynamical excitation of super-Earths by giant companions where they are present.
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