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Table K.13.

Properties of field G082.40-01.84.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Clump RA DEC Position Angular Reff β F250 T I250 N(H2)⟩ N(H2)peak M Mvir αvir N* N*, ΔC type
angle size
ID (J2000) (J2000) (°) (ra″, dec″) (pc) (Jy) (K) (MJy sr−1) (1021 cm−2) (1021 cm−2) (M) (M)
Field G082.40-01.84

1 -47.15 41.411 211.5 (24.3,12.8) 0.09 1.8 1.9 12.9277 318.7 16.1 35.9 24.81 5.3 0.2 1 - PS
2 -47.133 41.423 286.7 (23.5,11.8) 0.08 1.7 1.7 12.8341 284.8 16.0 36.2 22.77 4.7 0.2 0 0 PRE
3 -47.181 41.383 283.8 (26.0,11.6) 0.09 1.8 1.1 12.8866 265.7 13.5 31.5 13.81 4.9 0.4 0 0 PRE
4 -47.124 41.434 256.7 (20.4,17.3) 0.09 1.6 1.9 12.6114 285.4 17.0 30.3 26.32 5.1 0.2 0 0 PRE
5 -47.094 41.446 255.5 (31.2,14.0) 0.11 1.7 2.4 12.9081 308.8 16.0 26.6 32.06 6.0 0.2 0 0 PRE
6 -47.051 41.45 257.2 (21.0,9.2) 0.07 1.8 0.7 12.7759 327.8 17.1 26.9 8.97 4.0 0.4 0 0 PRE
7 -47.176 41.405 320.7 (15.6,11.5) 0.07 1.8 0.6 12.9252 248.4 12.4 13.5 8.12 3.7 0.5 0 0 PRE

Field G082.42-01.84

1 -47.15 41.411 217.7 (23.8,12.9) 0.06 1.8 1.6 12.9735 309.0 15.2 33.0 20.16 3.6 0.2 1 - PS
2 -47.13 41.427 234.5 (25.3,16.1) 0.06 1.7 2.6 12.4627 286.7 17.7 34.1 35.89 3.6 0.1 0 0 PRE
3 -47.179 41.382 291.9 (14.4,4.5) 0.06 1.8 0.4 12.6233 259.4 14.4 29.0 4.9 3.6 0.7 0 0 PRE
4 -47.044 41.452 232.3 (13.5,7.0) 0.06 1.9 0.5 13.1951 339.8 15.4 24.2 6.86 3.6 0.5 1 1 PS-C
5 -47.099 41.445 248.7 (24.8,10.2) 0.06 1.7 1.2 12.7854 291.5 15.5 21.8 16.43 3.6 0.2 0 0 PRE
6 -47.176 41.405 345.3 (10.3,7.0) 0.06 1.8 0.3 12.8694 254.0 13.0 16.3 3.9 3.6 0.9 0 0 PRE
7 -47.021 41.423 288.1 (12.0,6.1) 0.06 1.8 0.2 13.7325 264.8 10.1 11.3 2.53 3.6 1.4 0 0 SL

Field G087.07-04.20

1 -40.564 43.31 305.2 (27.1,9.5) 0.07 1.6 0.9 13.9322 152.9 5.6 20.2 5.12 3.8 0.8 0 0 PRE

Field G089.66-06.62

1 -35.704 43.344 325.1 (18.5,12.1) 0.09 1.8 1.0 13.6117 218.8 8.6 36.3 18.12 5.1 0.3 0 0 PRE

Field G091.88+04.17

1 -44.844 52.473 336.1 (34.3,15.9) - 1.7 3.6 12.298 317.6 20.2 67.7 - - - 0 - SL
2 -44.899 52.514 181.9 (32.5,12.0) - 1.8 2.0 13.1674 396.6 17.9 54.3 - - - 0 - SL
3 -44.911 52.453 319.7 (18.7,10.8) - 1.9 1.2 13.8568 284.1 10.3 31.7 - - - 0 - SL
4 -44.983 52.495 334.4 (10.9,7.4) - 1.8 0.4 12.7638 230.6 12.3 19.0 - - - 0 - SL
5 -44.817 52.449 335.9 (15.2,4.4) - 1.7 0.2 12.7222 235.0 12.5 16.1 - - - 1 - PS
6 -44.931 52.449 345.5 (12.1,5.3) - 1.9 0.2 13.2561 261.9 11.7 12.6 - - - 0 - SL
7 -44.858 52.436 265.7 (4.7,1.7) - 1.9 0.1 13.4218 239.6 10.1 24.6 - - - 0 - SL
8 -44.895 52.547 189.1 (20.8,7.7) - 1.9 0.4 13.1691 297.2 13.6 9.4 - - - 0 - SL
9 -44.906 52.493 267.2 (10.0,4.8) - 1.8 0.1 13.1068 342.2 16.1 10.4 - - - 0 - SL
10 -44.967 52.466 310.7 (4.3,1.8) - 1.8 0.0 13.3371 227.0 9.8 15.8 - - - 0 - SL

Notes. NYSO, ΔC refers to number of YSOs confirmed by Herschel color. Clumps are SL, PRE, candidate PS, or PS-C.

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