Open Access

Table 5.

Information related to the parameters used for the target reconstruction presented in this section.

Target PSF
TW Hydrae 104.0 104.0 10−4.0 10−4.0 104.0 104.0 10−5.0 10−5.0 Moffat
IM Lupus 103.0 104.0 10−0.8 10−4.0 105.0 105.5 10−3.0 10−3.0 Airy
MY Lupus 102.0 100.4 10−0.7 10−3.6 101.0 100.5 10−3.0 10−3.0 Moffat
RY Lupus 104.0 105.5 10−3.0 10−3.0 105.0 103.0 10−3.0 10−3.0 Moffat
T Chae 100.0 10−1.0 10−3.0 10−3.0 100.5 10−1.0 10−2.0 10−2.0 Moffat
RXJ 1615 100.0 100.0 10−4.0 101.0 101.0 10−1.5 10−3.0 10−3.0 Moffat
HD 106906 102.5 101.5 10−4.0 10−4.0 105.0 101.7 102.2 10−1.8 Airy
HD 61005 105.0 104.1 10−0.7 10−3.4 105.0 104.1 10−0.7 10−3.9 Moffat
AU MIC 105.0 104.3 10−4.2 10−3.2 105.0 104.3 10−1.2 10−4.2 Moffat

Notes. The table lists: the name of the target and the values of the hyperparameters , , (resp. , , μdec) used for the reconstruction with RHAPSODIE without deconvolution (resp. with deconvolution), and the parametrization model of the PSF used.

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