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Fig. 10.


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Reconstruction of the Q (a) and U (b) parameters of the target TW Hydrae, for the first three cycle of HWP rotation, without (upper row) and with (lower row) the correction of the polarization. Without the correction, both Q and U are rotated and attenuated. The Qϕ and Uϕ images reconstructed from the entire dataset are presented in (c). All the reconstructions are done without deconvolution to demonstrate mainly the efficiency of the instrumental polarization correction and the benefits of RHAPSODIE. (c) Azimutal Stokes parameters displayed in arcseconds: (i) Double Difference, (ii) Double Difference with the instrumental polarization correction, (iii) RHAPSODIE which includes by default the instrumental polarization correction. The intensities are multiplied in each pixel by the distance to the star r2.

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