Fig. 3
Aspect ratio (upper plot), temperature (middle plot), and gas surface density (bottom plot) asa function of orbital distance for four different initial gas surface densities, from 100 g cm−2 to 2000 g cm−2. The turbulence parameter in viscosity is α = 10−3 in the left panel, α = 5 × 10−4 in the middle panel, and α = 10−4 in the right panel. The fragmentation velocity is uf = 1 m s−1. The light blue areas in the aspect ratio and temperature plots indicate the evaporation fronts (±2 K around the evaporation temperatures of CH4, CO2 ; ±10 K for the other species). Starting from the outer boundary, for α = 10−3 the species that evaporate are CO, CH4, CO2, H2O, Fe3O4, C, FeS, Mg2SiO4, and MgSiO3. For α = 5 × 10−4 the evaporation fronts are of CO2, H2O, Fe3O4, C, FeS, Mg2SiO4, and MgSiO3 and for α = 10−4 they are CO2, H2O, and Fe3O4. The water ice line is shown as a dashed line.
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