Fig. 1


Interval during Encounter 1 with narrow band whistler-mode waves and higher frequency electrostatic waves. Left panels: DC-coupled BPF electric field spectrum from 12 to 4000 Hz; DC-coupled BBF magnetic field from 12 to 4000 Hz; magnetic field in RTN coordinates, R component of magnetic field in red with radial component of ion flow −300 km s−1 in blue. Pitch angle spectra for electrons with center energy of 314 and 204 eV. Units for the wave spectra are volts and nT, and for the electron data are eV cm−2 s. Right panels: spacecraft x component of the electric field (in mV m−1) snapshots from seven different waveform captures during this interval at approximate times indicated by arrows with blue arrows indicating more than one snapshot. We note that the time durations vary. See text for details.

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