Open Access

Fig. 5.


Correlation coefficients calculated for relations between metallicity gradients and global galaxy properties (colour code) with their error bars. The panels show, from left to right, correlation coefficients for metallicity gradients in units of dex , dex dex , dex kpc−1. We note that all radii have been measured in the r band, similar results can be obtained for radii in the u and i band. For each global property four different correlation coefficients are presented, and are marked by the shape of the data point. The correlation coefficient were measured with gradients based on: (A) the entire radial profile for all galaxies in the sample; (B) the entire radial profile for massive galaxies; (C) the radial profile outside of 0.5 reff, r for all galaxies in the sample; (D) the radial profile outside of 0.5 reff, r for massive galaxies. Black dashed lines mark correlation coefficients of −0.3 and 0.3.

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