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Table 1.

Summary of ALMA observations.

Date Baseline lengths Nant SPW central frequency Integration time Median PWV
YYYY-MM-DD (m) (GHz) (mm:ss) (mm)
Band 6
2018-04-19 15–500 42 219.35, 221.09, 233.98, 235.98 38:32 1.8
2018-04-19 15–500 44 219.35, 221.09, 233.98, 235.98 38:30 1.8
2018-09-01 15–784 47 219.37, 221.11, 234.00, 236.00 38:33 1.3
2016-03-22 (a) 15-460 40 219.00, 220.75 , 233.94, 235.82 20:47 2.8
2016-05-15 (a) 17-640 38 219.01, 220.77, 233.96, 235.83 20:47 1.6

Band 8
2018-08-25 15–500 43 391.64, 393.31, 403.71, 405.51 48:07 0.3
2018-09-11 15–1200 48 391.63, 393.31, 403.70, 405.50 48:08 0.7
2018-09-11 15–1200 45 391.63, 393.31, 403.70, 405.50 48:07 0.7
2018-09-23 15–1400 45 391.63, 393.30, 403.70, 405.50 48:09 0.6

Notes. The table shows the date of observation, baseline lengths, number of antennae (Nant), central frequency of the SPW, integration time, and median precipitable water vapor (PWV) for the band 6 and band 8 observations.


Cycle 3 observations; 2015.1.00821.S, PI: S. Finkelstein.

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