Press Release
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Table 2.

Fluxes (in K km s−1 kpc2) retrieved with or without short spacings and in GMCs at the native ALMA resolution (0.64″).

Environment Area (kpc2) Flux in 12 m + 7 m + TP
Flux in 12 m + 7 m Flux in GMCs (e)
Inside mask (d)
Total Inside mask (d)
Whole TDG (a) 25.6 37.1 4.86 (13.1%) 4.58 (94.2%) 6.76 (18.2%)
North (b) 15.8 28.5 3.93 (13.8%) 3.70 (94.1%) 5.44 (19.1%)
South (c) 9.9 8.5 0.93 (10.9%) 0.88 (94.6%) 1.32 (15.5%)



Whole TDG is the entire ALMA field-of-view, where the primary beam response exceeds 20% (dashed blue line in Fig. 3; ∼80″×70″).


North is where Dec > 19° 51′50″.


South is where Dec > 19° 51′50″.


Flux inside 4σ dilated mask (the mask is identical in both cases and is based on the 12 m + 7 m cube). The fourth and fifth columns indicate the percentage of the total 12 m + 7 m + TP flux that is inside the dilated mask and the percentage of 12 m + 7 m + TP flux recovered with 12 m + 7 m inside the same mask, respectively.


Total flux in all GMCs identified with CPROPS, after extrapolation to 0 K and deconvolution of the beam; without extrapolation and deconvolution, the total flux in GMCs is considerably lower, 2.46 K km s−1 kpc2. The percentage of the total 12 m + 7 m + TP flux is listed. The total flux in GMCs identified with SCIMES (Appendix A.2) is 8.18 and 2.94 K km s−1 kpc2 for the extrapolated and non-extrapolated version, respectively.

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