Table B.1
Selected astrophysically relevant transitions calculated at 10 K below 400 GHz (intensity, expressed in log(Icalc), and frequency, fcalc) and comparison with the present measurements (exp).
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J′− J″ | ![]() |
F′− F″ (a) | log(Icalc) (b) | fcalc (b) | fexp | Unc. | fexp − fcalc (b) |
110−101 | 0–1 | 1.5–1.5 | 1–1 | −1.50 | 168 326.825 | ||||
0–1 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | −1.24 | 168 327.522 | |||||
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | 3–2 | −1.57 | 168 582.648 | ||||
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | 2–1 | −1.66 | 168 592.521 | ||||
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 1–1 | 2–2 | −1.30 | 168 602.721 | ||||
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | 3–3 | −1.14 | 168 603.364 | ||||
0–1 | 0.5–0.5 | 1–1 | −1.68 | 168 669.112 | |||||
1–0 | 0.5–0.5 | 1–1 | 2–2 | −1.45 | 168 939.431 | ||||
1–0 | 0.5–0.5 | 1–1 | 2–1 | −1.69 | 168 951.013 | ||||
211−202 | 0–1 | 2.5–2.5 | 2–2 | −1.40 | 172 306.263 | ||||
0–1 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | −1.24 | 172 307.425 | |||||
0–1 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | −1.42 | 172 547.690 | |||||
0–1 | 1.5–1.5 | 1–1 | −1.68 | 172 550.833 | |||||
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 2–2 | 3–3 | −1.27 | 172 584.286 | 172 584.038 | 0.100 | −0.248 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | 4–4 | −1.16 | 172 585.404 | 172 585.417 | 0.100 | 0.013 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 2–2 | 2–2 | −1.55 | 172 592.431 | ||||
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | 3–3 | −1.39 | 172 593.508 | 172 593.487 | 0.150 | −0.021 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | 2–2 | −1.55 | 172 593.651 | 172 593.487 | 0.150 | −0.164 | |
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | 2–2 | −1.63 | 172 818.651 | ||||
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 2–2 | 3–3 | −1.30 | 172 819.855 | 172 819.418 | 0.200 | −0.437 | |
1–0 | 1.5–1.5 | 1–1 | 2–2 | −1.46 | 172 822.756 | ||||
312−303 | 0–1 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | −1.55 | 178 374.726 | 178 374.706 | 0.100 | −0.020 | |
0–1 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | −1.44 | 178 376.362 | 178 376.449 | 0.100 | 0.087 | ||
0–1 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | −1.56 | 178 601.444 | 178 601.556 | 0.100 | 0.112 | ||
0–1 | 2.5–2.5 | 2–2 | −1.72 | 178 604.529 | 178 604.771 | 0.100 | 0.242 | ||
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | 4–4 | −1.46 | 178 653.663 | 178 653.573 | 0.100 | −0.090 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | 5–5 | −1.37 | 178 655.258 | 178 655.219 | 0.100 | −0.038 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | 2–2 | −1.77 | 178 657.108 | 178 657.465 | 0.100 | 0.357 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | 3–3 | −1.63 | 178 657.508 | 178 657.465 | 0.100 | −0.043 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | 3–3 | −1.62 | 178 658.660 | 178 658.958 | 0.100 | 0.298 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | 4–4 | −1.51 | 178 658.979 | 178 658.958 | 0.100 | −0.021 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | 4–4 | −1.47 | 178 874.850 | 178 874.771 | 0.100 | −0.079 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | 3–3 | −1.65 | 178 875.901 | 178 875.970 | 0.100 | 0.069 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 2–2 | 3–3 | −1.58 | 178 877.737 | 178 877.715 | 0.100 | −0.022 | |
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 2–2 | 2–2 | −1.81 | 178 878.650 | ||||
1–0 | 2.5–2.5 | 3–3 | 2–2 | −1.80 | 178 881.053 | ||||
413−404 | 0–1 | 4.5–4.5 | 4–4 | −1.87 | 186 694.662 | 186 694.696 | 0.100 | 0.034 | |
0–1 | 4.5–4.5 | 5–5 | −1.78 | 186 696.491 | 186 696.595 | 0.100 | 0.103 | ||
0–1 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | −1.88 | 186 930.180 | 186 930.160 | 0.100 | −0.020 | ||
0–1 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | −1.99 | 186 933.016 | 186 933.059 | 0.100 | 0.043 | ||
1–0 | 4.5–4.5 | 4–4 | 5–5 | −1.80 | 186 973.925 | 186 973.855 | 0.050 | −0.070 | |
1–0 | 4.5–4.5 | 4–4 | 3–3 | −2.02 | 186 974.980 | 186 974.953 | 0.050 | −0.027 | |
1–0 | 4.5–4.5 | 5–5 | 6–6 | −1.72 | 186 975.724 | 186 975.753 | 0.050 | 0.029 | |
1–0 | 4.5–4.5 | 4–4 | 4–4 | −1.92 | 186 975.830 | 186 975.753 | 0.050 | −0.076 | |
1–0 | 4.5–4.5 | 5–5 | 4–4 | −1.91 | 186 976.722 | 186 976.667 | 0.050 | −0.055 | |
1–0 | 4.5–4.5 | 5–5 | 5–5 | −1.83 | 186 977.527 | 186 977.594 | 0.050 | 0.067 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | 5–5 | −1.80 | 187 204.111 | 187 204.080 | 0.100 | −0.031 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | 4–4 | −1.92 | 187 205.870 | 187 205.817 | 0.100 | −0.053 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | 4–4 | −1.89 | 187 206.817 | 187 206.841 | 0.100 | 0.024 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | 3–3 | −2.04 | 187 208.505 | 187 208.575 | 0.100 | 0.070 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 4–4 | 3–3 | −2.03 | 187 210.393 | 187 210.452 | 0.100 | 0.059 | |
1–0 | 3.5–3.5 | 3–3 | 2–2 | −2.19 | 187 213.143 | 187 213.084 | 0.150 | −0.059 |
Notes. For each cluster of transitions (involving a common ), an intensity cutoff of a factor 4 of the strongest component is used. Frequencies, experimental uncertainties (Unc.), and residuals (fexp −fcalc) are expressed in MHz; Icalc in nm2 MHz. Intensities have been determined using a partition function Q(10 K) = 259.1302 determined using Pickett’s SPCAT program. (a)The quantum number F only exists for the ortho levels (see text).
(b) Predictions from the final fit.
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