Table 1
Spectroscopic parameters (in MHz, unless otherwise noted) of CH2OH determined in the refit of the literature (initial) and from this work (present).
Parameters(a) | Present | Initial(b) | ||
ΔE | 158 | .35 (75) | 139 | .77 (10) |
Rotational parameters | ||||
A − (B + C)∕2 | 166 639 | .770 (25) | 166 645 | .20 (24) |
B + C | 55 790 | .9636 (56) | 55 790 | .27 (12) |
B − C | 3895 | .8774 (60) | 3896 | .337 (62) |
Δ(A − (B + C)∕2)(c) | −38 | .2 (15) | ||
Δ(B + C) × 103 (c) | −13 | .1 (44) | −126 | .1 (13) |
Δ(B − C) × 103 (c) | 70 | (14) | 424 | (12) |
Rotational centrifugal distortion constants | ||||
DK | 5 | .6(d) | 5 | .6(d) |
DNK × 103 | 580 | .3 (21) | 794 | (21) |
DN × 103 | 62 | .013 (54) | 66 | .34 (22) |
d1 × 103 | −8 | .5006 (93) | −8 | .585 (33) |
d2 × 103 | −1 | .451 (26) | −1 | .32(d) |
HK × 103 | 0 | .25(e) | 0 | .25(e) |
Electron spin-rotation and centrifugal distortion constants | ||||
ɛaa | −458 | .369 (92) | −517 | .6 (20) |
ɛbb | −121 | .492 (25) | −124 | .97 (39) |
ɛcc | −1 | .464 (28) | −3 | .15 (46) |
(ɛab + ɛba)∕2 | −48 | .39 (34) | ||
![]() |
1 | .238 (81) | ||
![]() |
31 | .5 (23) | ||
![]() |
0 | .143 (26) | ||
Isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine interaction constants | ||||
aF(H1) | −4 | .7 (14) | −12 | .4(d) |
Taa(H1) | −1 | .9(d) | −1 | .9(d) |
Tbb(H1) | 9 | .498 (32) | 9 | .487 (61) |
Tab(H1) | 17 | .8(d) | ||
aF(H)(f) | −54 | .37 (15) | −52 | .11 (94) |
Taa (H)(f) | −23 | .11 (28) | −24 | .5 (21) |
Tbb (H)(f) | 19 | .44 (15) | 20 | .1 (11) |
Tab (H)(f) | −30 | .7(d) | ||
Relevant fit parameters | ||||
n(g) | 182+94 | 87 | ||
![]() ![]() |
13 | ,1 | 13 | ,1 |
rms | 0 | .081 | 0 | .077 |
σ (i) | 0 | .95 | 0 | .93 |
Notes. Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation in units of the least significant figure. In the set of HFS parameters, the hydroxyl H is indicated by H1 in parentheses, the two equivalent methylenic H2, and H3 simply by H in parentheses. (a) Parameters with no numerical values were not used in the fit (i.e., fixed to 0, see text) (b) Refit from the data from Bermudez et al. (2017); see Sect. 3.1.
for a given parameter X. These values allow us to determine the rotational constants in each substates
vt = 0 and 1. (d) Kept fixed to value calculated by Bermudez et al. (2017), except DK = 1.05 × that value; see Sect. 3.1. (e)Estimated from DK; see text. (f) X(H) = X(H2) = X(H3) for a given parameter X, except Tab (H) = Tab(H2) = − Tab (H3); see text (g) Number of fitted transitions. In the present fit, the number of newly measured lines and lines from Bermudez et al. (2017) are reported, respectively. (h) Unitless. (i) Reduced standard deviation; unitless.
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