Fig. 5

Top: azimuthal slice through the normalized density perturbation at a radius of 1.7rpl for the dust component with St = 1. The black line shows the time integrated FARGO-3D results, the blue line shows the results directly derived from the perturbation in azimuthal velocity of the gas using the perturbed continuity equation (Eq. (13)), the red line shows the result directly derived from the perturbation in the azimuthal velocity of the gas using a direct scaling between δvr and δΣ and the pitch angle of the spiral (Eq. (14)). The dotted line illustrates the density profile of the gas component for comparison. Bottom: normalized density perturbation in polar coordinates of the result for the St = 1 component. From left to right: time integrated FARGO-3D result, the results directly derived from the perturbation in the azimuthal velocity of the gas, and the result directly derived from the perturbation in azimuthal velocity of the gas, using a direct scaling between δvr and δΣ and the pitch angle of the spiral (Eq. (14)).
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