Open Access

Table B.2.

Frequencies, quantum numbers, fit brightness temperatures and linewidths, and transition properties for lines used to derive the column density and excitation temperature of propynal in L1527.

Frequency( † ) Transition ΔV( ‡ ) Eu Sijμ2
(MHz) () (mK) (km s−1) (K) (Debye2)
75885.2058 81, 7 − 71, 6 19.7(36) 1.4(2) 19.4 43.9
82424.9250 91, 9 − 81, 8 19.5(43) 1.6(4) 22.8 49.5
83775.8251 90, 9 − 80, 8 45.2(735) 0.7(9) 20.1 50.1
85361.1884 91, 8 − 81, 7 17.2(24) 1.1(1) 23.5 49.5
91572.5215 101, 10 − 91, 9 18.1(29) 1.5(2) 27.2 55.1
93043.2911 100, 10 − 90, 9 18.6(32) 1.7(3) 24.6 55.7
100716.8520 111, 11 − 101, 10 10.6(41) 0.8(3) 32.1 60.7
102298.0618 110, 11 − 100, 10 18.5(35) 0.9(2) 29.5 61.2
104302.2378 111, 10 − 101, 9 11.4(23) 1.3(3) 33.1 60.7

Notes. ( † )Held fixed in the Gaussian fit to the catalog value. See text for estimates of uncertainties resulting from laboratory measurements.

( ‡ )1σ statistical uncertainty from the Gaussian fits to the data, in units of the last significant digit.

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