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Table 2

Parameters of ejected clumps.

Clump t Mcl Tcl vcl vesc amax Mgr.dust Msm.dust ErotEgrav ζd2g
[kyr] [MJup] [K] [km s−1] [km s−1] [μm] [M] [M]
F1 44 7.5 54 1.93 0.80 6.99 9.22 14.62 0.029 0.010
F2 49 3.4 17 1.52 0.83 4.23 2.86 6.99 0.294 0.009
F3 58 32.6 107 1.43 0.88 1250 31.14 81.04 0.526 0.011

Notes. Time t when parameters of the clumps werecalculated, Tcl and Mcl are the central temperature and the total gas mass of the ejected clump, vcl is the velocity of the clump, vesc is the escape velocity of the system, amax is the maximum radius of the dust particles inside the clump, Mgr.dust and Msm.dust are the masses of grown and small dust particles in the clump, respectively, ErotEgrav is the ratio of rotational to gravitational energy of the clump, and ζd2g is the total dust-to-gas-mass ratio averaged over the clump extent.

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