Fig. A.2.

Milky Way-type galaxy simulation (Model II) showing structures near the bar resonances. Panel a: face-on map of the stellar surface density. Panel b: stellar surface density in the guiding space. Two distinct quasi-circular overdensities appear close to the end of the bar and in the outer disc indicated by blue and red circles, respectively. Panel c: spectral analysis of orbits of stars where the fraction of stars with different F = (Ω − Ωbar)/κ ratio is shown for all disc stars (black) and stars between the blue and red circles in frame (b). Frequency ratios of −0.5, 0, and 0.5 correspond to the main resonances of the bar, the outer Lindblad, corotation, and inner Lindblad resonances, respectively. Panel d: guiding space density distribution of stars at the bar corotation (|F| < 0.05) and at the OLR (|F + 0.5| < 0.05). Panel e: density distribution of stars corotating with the bar in spatial coordinates. Panel f: density distribution of stars at the bar OLR in spatial coordinates. Panel g: mean radial velocity distribution of all stars in the guiding space. Panel h: mean radial velocity distribution of stars at the bar corotation and the OLR in the guiding space. Panel i: distributions of the radial velocities of stars at the bar corotation (blue) and at the OLR (red).
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