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Table 3.

Basic parameters of the systems and their type-II outbursts properties discussed in this paper.

Spin Magnetic field Orbital Start – End Outburst
Name period strength period Distance Companion Eccentricity date duration Fluence
(s) (1012 G) (days) (kpc) type (MJD) (days) (106 counts cm−2)
4U 0115+63 3.62 (a) 1.3 (b) 24.3 (c) 7.2 (d) B0.2Ve (e) 0.34 (e) 57307–57341 34 ∼0.14
V 0332+53 4.37 (f) 3.0 (g) 33.9 (h) 5.1 (d) O8-9Ve (i) 0.37 (h) 57193–57307 114 ∼0.83
GRO J1750−27 4.45 (j) 2.0–4.5 (k),(l) 29.8 (m) 12–22 (d),(k),(l) B0-2Ve? (l) 0.36 (m) 57020–57146 126 ∼0.50–1.67

Notes. The fluence during outburst is given as a relative value (in instrument units) and it is normalised assuming a distance of 7 kpc for each source.

References.(a)Cominsky et al. (1978); (b)Raguzova & Popov (2005); (c)Rappaport et al. (1978); (d)See Appendix A; (e)Negueruela & Okazaki (2001); (f)Stella et al. (1985); (g)Makishima et al. (1990); (h)Doroshenko et al. (2016); (i)Negueruela et al. (1999); (j)Bildsten et al. (1997); (k)Shaw et al. (2009); (l)Lutovinov et al. (2019); (m)Scott et al. (1997).

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