Fig. 1


Upper panel: temporal evolution of H2O, CO2, and CO densities multiplied by the cometocentric distance squared, derived from RTOF relative abundances scaled to COPS over the Rosetta mission. Colored lines are averaged over two comet rotations. Middle panel: latitude of the sub-spacecraft point in the 67P fixed frame. Lower panel: variation in distance between Rosetta and 67P (black) and the heliocentric distance (yellow). First equinox occurred on 2015 May 10 at 1.67 au, perihelion on 2015 August 13 at 1.24 au, andsecond equinox on 2016 March 21 at 2.63 au. RTOF data are missing during excursions of the spacecraft. Periods A to G are indicated above the first panel. They are described in Table 1.

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