Fig. 7
Colour-absolute magnitude diagram (as absolute median G-band magnitude vs. median GBP− median GRP) of a selection of classification candidates: fundamental mode (RRAB, blue dots), first-overtone (RRC, orange “×” marks), and double-mode (RRD, cyan “+” marks) RR Lyrae types, classical (CEP, green rhombi) and type-II (T2CEP, red squares) Cepheids, δ Scuti/SX Phoenicis types (DSCT_SXPHE, black triangles), and Mira/semiregular types (MIRA_SR, magenta circles). Faint outliers typically denote contaminating objects, which in the case of long-period variables, are represented mostly by young stellar objects. All of these sources satisfy the conditions listed in Appendix B of Gaia Collaboration (2019), among which a relative parallax precision better than 20%, with no correction for interstellar or circumstellar extinction or reddening. The background points in grey act as a reference of objects within a radius of 1 kpc from the Sun.
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