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Table 5.

Stellar and wind parameters of HD 191612 (left panel).

Teff (kK) 35
log g 3.5
R* (R) 14.5
v (km s–1) 2700 (km s–1) 3963
MṀ (M yr–1) 1.6 × 10–6 MṀB = 0 (M yr–1) 1.1 × 10–6
RA(R*) 2.7

Notes. Teff, log g, R, , v have been derived by Howarth et al. (2007), and Bp is adopted from Wade et al. (2011). For the ADM model, we adapted the mass-loss rate and terminal velocity at the pole (right panel), to be consistent with the MHD simulations from Fig. 9.

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