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Table 3.

Mean and maximum relative errors of our 3D solution scheme, when compared to an “accurate” 1D solution.

Teff (kK) R* (R) vmin (km s–1) MṀ (M yr–1)
40 19 10 5 × 10–6
τr 0.17 1.7 17
Δ (%) 3.35 20.29 127.91
Δ J_{\rm max} (%) 49.28 42.18 151.34
kL 100 103 105
ΔL(%) 12.38 18.47 23.00
ΔSL, max(%) 61.95 82.50 94.13

Notes. The top panel shows the errors of the mean intensity for a pure continuum with different kc parameters, while the bottom panel shows the errors of the line source function with different line strengths kL and an optically thin background continuum. The thermal contribution, ϵc,ϵL, has been set to 10−6 in both cases.

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