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Fig. 9.


Upper panel: density structure for an example snapshot from the MHD simulations for HD 191612, as performed by Sundqvist et al. (2012). Lower panel: azimuthal average of the MHD simulations. In both figures, the density has been normalized by a typical down-flow density, , with B= 0 from Table 5, and vesc ≈ 800 km s−1 the photospheric escape velocity. The velocity field is displayed by arrows, with the length of the velocity vectors limited to 0.5 vesc. We additionally show the dipole magnetic field of the ADM models used in Sect. 6.2 (solid lines, and thick solid line for RA = 2.7R). The corresponding magnetic axis is aligned with the z-axis. The grey colour corresponds to densities outside the range indicated on the right.

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