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Fig. 5.


Top: mean intensities (scaled by the emitted intensity from the stellar core, Ic) for the continuum transport, with ϵc = 10−6, and kc = (100, 101, 102) corresponding to τr = (0.17, 1.7, 17.0), from left to right. Bottom: line source functions (scaled by Ic) assuming an optically thin continuum, and with ϵL = 10−6, and kL = (100, 103, 105) from left to right. The red line corresponds to the accurate 1D solution, the blue line is the solution along the x-axis, and the dots (mainly located in between the red and the blue line) correspond to the solution of (arbitrarily) selected grid points (only a subset of all grid points is shown to compress the images).

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