Fig. 11
Top: JED (ṁin − r) solution plane for (μ = 0.1, ξ = 0.01, ms = 1.5, b = 0.7). The background color shows the electron temperature (see colorbar in Kelvin on the right side) for the hottest solution (left) and the coolest solution (right). The dashed white line outlines the zone where these two thermally stable solutions coexist. The slice at r = 5 (vertical solid line) shows the two solutions as function of ṁin, shown in the bottom panel (a version of the S-curve). The red upper triangles show the thick/hot disk solution, and green lower-triangles represent the thin/slim cooler disk. The third, thermally unstable solution is shown as gray dots. The arrows describe a possible hysteresis cycle (see text).
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