Table A.1

Column description of the redshift catalogs for the MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field (udf-10, mosaic, and combined).

No. Title Description

1 MUSE_ID MUSE object identification numbera
2 RA RA (J2000) in units of decimal degreesb
3 DEC Decl. (J2000) in units of decimal degreesb
4 MERGED Flag (boolean) indicating a merged object
5 UVUDF_ID UVUDF object identification number (Rafelski et al. 2015)
6 ORIG_ID ORIGIN object identification numberc
7 ORIG_RA ORIGIN RA (J2000) in units of decimal degrees
8 ORIG_DEC ORIGIN Decl. (J2000) in units of decimal degrees
9 MLET_ID MUSELET object identification numbercd
10 MLET_RA MUSELET RA (J2000) in units of decimal degreesd
11 MLET_DEC MUSELET Decl. (J2000) in units of decimal degreesd
12 EML_ONLY Flag (boolean) for the objects detected only by ORIGIN or MUSELET (i.e., no UVUDF counterpart)
13 REF_SPEC The main spectrum (PSF-weighted or MUSE white-light weighted) used to measure redshift
14 Z_MUSE Spectroscopic redshift determined with MUSE
15 CONFID Confidence level of Z_MUSE
16 TYPE Type of feature used to identified Z_MUSE
17 DEFECT Flag (0 or 1) indicating defect in the data (0 for no defect and 1 for some issues with the data)
18 F775W_MAG HST F775W magnitude (AB) from Rafelski et al. (2015)e or NoiseChiself
19 F775W_MAG_ERR The errors on the HST F775W magnitude (AB)ef
20-41 [LINE]_FLUX Line fluxes (10-20 erg s-1 cm-2) summed over the entire mask apertureg (see Sect. 3.3)
[LINE]_FLUX_ERR Errors on the line fluxes

Columns that only exist in the combined catalog
45 Z_FROM The origin of the redshift (the udf-10 or the mosaic catalog)
46 IN_UDF10 Flag (boolean) indicating an object in the udf-10 field

Notes. The full table is available at the CDS.


For the future release, if an object can be “split” into multiple objects in terms of their redshift identifications, then the original MUSE_ID will be deleted and the new IDs of the split objects will be added to the catalog.


When MERGED = True, the coordinates are calculated as HST F775W flux weighted coordinates of all objects composing the new merged source (see Sect. 3.1.1). Otherwise, they are identical to the UVUDF catalog (Rafelski et al. 2015).


When ORIG_ID or MLET_ID is empty, this indicates that the object is not detected by ORIGIN or MUSELET. For the combined catalog, the column names of ORIG_ID, ORIG_RA, and ORIG_DEC have a suffix of _UDF10 and _MOSAIC.


Emission line search with MUSELET is only perfomed in the mosaic.


When MERGED = True, this value is not provided.


When F775W_MAG_ERR = −1, F775W_MAG is a 3σ upper limit.


The emission lines include Balmer lines (Hα, Hβ, Hγ, and Hδ), [O ii] λ3726, [O ii] λ3729, [O iii] λ4959, [O iii] λ5007, C iii] λ1907, C iii] λ1909, and Lyα. The measurements are only provided when S/N > 3.

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