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Table 1

Physical parameters of the initial white dwarf models.

MWD,i log (Ls,i/L) Tc,i ρc,i RWD,i vrot,i
M 107 K 106 g/cm3 R km s-1

0.54 0.006 0.621 3.33 0.0141 10.0
0.54 0.998 0.427 3.52 0.0133 10.3
0.54 2.003 0.176 3.65 0.0126 10.6

0.82 0.004 0.660 11.4 0.0105 17.1
0.82 1.024 0.417 11.8 0.0101 9.5
0.82 1.998 0.168 12.1 0.0098 9.4

1.00 0.001 0.783 31.7 0.0083 9.4
1.00 1.000 0.414 32.8 0.0080 9.5
1.00 1.995 0.155 33.6 0.0078 9.3

1.10 0.011 0.858 65.5 0.0070 7.4
1.10 1.017 0.317 68.5 0.0068 7.3

Notes. Columns are: initial mass MWD,i, initial surface luminosity Ls,i, initial core temperature Tc,i, initial core density ρc,i, initial radius RWD,i and initial surface velocity vrot,i.

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