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Fig. 6


Mass coordinates of the point of the temperature maximum (Tmax) over time (solid colored lines) of several representative systems with initial masses of 0.54 M(A), 0.82 M(B) and 1.0 M(C). The solid black line in each plot indicates the corresponding total mass of the WD (MWD), red lines correspond to an initial luminosity of log (Linit/L) = 0 and blue lines to log (Linit/L) = −2. The dashed black line indicates the initial mass of the WD. The green dots indicate the He-ignition points. All depicted sequences were calculated with facc = 1.0 and = 5 × 10-8M/ yr. The gray arrows indicate the point of ignition in relation to MWD. Mr,ign is the mass coordinate of the igniting shell.

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