Fig. 3
Chemical profile of model sequence Lm20510-5 (Minit = 0.54 M⊙) (A) and Lm21010-5 (Minit = 1.0 M⊙) (B). The remaining initial parameters are the same for both model sequences: facc = 1.0, Ṁ = 5 × 10-8M⊙/ yr and log (Linit/L⊙) = −2. Included are the three most abundant isotopes He4, C12 and O16 in units of relative mass per shell over the shell’s mass coordinate. Solid lines represent the profile at the time of the start of mass accretion at t = 0 yr, dashed lines at the midpoint of the accretion phase at t ~ 1.55 Myr(A) and t ~ 0.3 Myr(B), dotted lines just after the point of He-ignition at t = 3.11 Myr(A) and t = 0.64 Myr(B). The inset is a zoom of the area of the initial envelope-core interface (the interface is shown as a dashed gray line), where the initial profile has been omitted for the sake of clarity.
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