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Fig. 1


Rotational velocity profile of model sequence Lm20510-5 (Minit = 0.54 M) (A) and Lm21010-5 (Minit = 1.0 M) (B) at three different times during its evolution (facc = 1.0, = 5 × 10-8M/ yr and log (Linit/L) = −2 in both cases). Line i corresponds to t = 0 yr, the start of mass accretion, m to the midpoint of the accretion phase and f to just after the point of He-ignition. In subfigure A) this corresponds to m at t ~ 1.55 Myr and f at t = 3.11 Myr. In subfigure B) the corresponding times are m at t ~ 0.3 Myr and f at t = 0.64 Myr. The y-axis is normalized to unity with the maximum value of each graph indicated in ωmax.

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