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Table A.5

Initial characteristics of C-type models.

No. ro Mmo ϑ σ R min R max β
[au] [ M ] [deg] [deg] [km] [km] [1]

C1 5 10-9 30 45 879 1 758 0.07
C2 0.35
C3 0.629
C4 5 10-8 30 45 5 × 103 104 0.07
C5 0.35
C6 0.42
C7 7 10-8 30 45 5 × 103 104 0.629
C8 5 10-9 30 45 5 × 103 104 0.07
C9 0.21
C10 0.35
C11 0.42
C12 0.629
C13 5 10-9 30 45 7 × 103 1.4 × 104 0.49
C14 5 10-9 30 45 1.08 × 104 2.1 × 104 0.629
C15 5 10-8 210 330 5 × 103 104 0.629
C16 5 10-8 210 45 5 × 103 104 0.629
C17 5 10-8 225 315 5 × 103 104 0.629
C18 5 10-8 30 225 5 × 103 104 0.629
C19 5 10-8 30 315 5 × 103 104 0.629
C20 5 10-8 330 45 5 × 103 104 0.629
C21 5 10-8 30 45 1 503 22 347 0.07
C22 0.629
C23 1.4
C24 5 10-9 30 45 698 10 373 0.07
C25 0.629
C26 1.4
C27 5 10-10 30 45 324 4815 0.07
C28 0.629
C29 1.4
C30 5 10-11 30 45 150 2235 0.07
C31 0.629
C32 1.4
C33 5 10-12 30 45 70 1037 0.07
C34 0.629
C35 1.4
C36 5 10-8 30 45 5 × 103 104 0.629
C37 5 10-8 30 45 5 × 103 104 0.629
C38 0.8
C39 0.9

Notes. In all these models, we consider 103 test particles and the massive object moving in the standard orbit having the periastron equal to 0.1 au and apastron 50 au. ϑ and σ are the angles characterizing the orientation of the ring. Rmin and Rmax are the radii of its inner and outer border. The other denotations are the same as in Tables A.1 and A.3. Remark: in models C36 to C39, the distribution of the DPs in the ring is not uniform, but their radial profile is generated using the formula for the MO-centric distance of jth DP rj = 7500 ± 2500η2 (rj = 7500 ± 2500η3/2) in kilometers. The sign in pair ± is randomly generated and η is a random number from the interval (0, 1).

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