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Table A.2

Initial characteristics of A-type models with the number of test particles, N, other than 1000 and the massive object in “standard orbit” (periastron distance of 0.1 au; apastron distance of 50 au) as well as in the standard initial star-centric distance (5 au).

No. N Mmo qtp Qtp β
[1] [ M ] [km] [km] [1]

A63 2 × 103 10-12 103 vq = 300 0.0175
A64 0.07
A65 104 10-10 103 105 0.28
A66 0.35
A67 0.42
A68 0.49
A69 104 10-8 103 105 0.007
A70 0.07
A71 0.629
A72 104 10-9 103 105 0.28
A73 0.35
A74 0.42
A75 0.49
A76 104 10-11 103 105 0.28
A77 0.35
A78 0.42
A79 0.49
A80 2 × 103 10-12 106 vq = 300 0.0175
A81 0.07

Notes. The same symbols as in Table A.1 are used.

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