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Table A.1

Initial characteristics of A-type models with 1000 test particles and the massive object in “standard orbit” (periastron distance of 0.1 au; apastron distance of 50 au) as well as in the standard initial star-centric distance (5 au).

No. Mmo qtp Qtp β
[ M ] [km] [km] [1]

A1 10-10 103 105 0.007
A2 0.07
A3 0.35
A4 0.629
A5 10-12 103 105 0.007
A6 0.07
A7 0.35
A8 0.629
A9 10-13 103 105 0.007
A10 0.07
A11 0.35
A12 0.629
A13 10-14 103 105 0.007
A14 0.07
A15 0.35
A16 0.629
A17 10-8 103 105 0.000007
A18 0.007
A19 0.07
A20 0.35
A21 0.629
A22 10-11 100 100 0.629
A23 10-11 100 103 0.629
A24 10-12 100 104 0.629
A25 10-8 100 105 0.629
A26 10-9 100 105 0.629
A27 10-10 100 105 0.629
A28 10-11 100 105 0.629
A29 10-12 100 105 0.629
A30 10-11 100 500 0.629
A31 10-11 100 5 × 104 0.629
A32 10-9 50 105 0.629
A33 10-8 75 7.5 × 104 0.8
A34 10-8 0.9
A35 10-9 75 7.5 × 104 0.8
A36 10-9 0.9
A37 10-10 75 7.5 × 104 0.8
A38 10-10 0.9
A39 10-11 75 7.5 × 104 0.629
A40 10-11 0.8
A41 10-11 0.9
A42 10-12 75 7.5 × 104 0.8
A43 10-12 0.9
A44 10-12 103 106 0.007
A45 0.07
A46 0.629
A47 1.4
A48 10-10 103 104 0.35
A49 0.629
A50 10-10 103 105 1.4
A51 10-12 103 105 1.4
A52 10-7 103 105 0.007
A53 0.07
A54 0.629
A55 1.4
A56 10-8 103 105 1.4
A57 10-10 103 1.1 × 103 0.629
A58 10-10 103 3 × 103 0.829
A59 10-12 103 vq = 300 0.007
A60 0.07
A61 0.629
A62 1.4

Notes. Symbols used: Mmo mass of the MO, qtp and Qtp pericenter and apocenter distance of the test particles with respect to the MO, and β parameter characterizing the strength of the Poynting-Robertson drag. In models A59A62, MO-centric velocity of the particles in the pericenter, vq, is given (in m s-1) instead of Qtp.

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