Fig. 3
Illustration of the behavior of a dust cloud projected into the orbital plane of the MO for different β values. Plot a): β = 0.007 – particles tend to stay on the elliptical orbit and follow the parent body, the trajectory of which is shown with the red solid curve. Plot b): β = 0.7 – the cloud of particles soon separates from the parent body and the particles move in their own elliptical trajectories. Plot c): β = 1 – the P-R drag balances the gravity and therefore the particles move uniformly along a straight line. Plot d): β = 1.4 – particles easily decouple from the parent body and settle onto hyperbolic orbits. Positions of the MO (crosses) are shown at the same moments as the positions of the individual DPs (dots). Different colors are used for different times, separated by 25-day intervals. The position of KIC8462, in the origin of coordinate x−y plane, is drawn with the violet full circle. Calculated for model A of a cloud with a body mass of m = 10-10M⋆.
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