Table 1
Observational data for the selected FR II-type sources with strongly curved spectra.
Name | 3C 184 | 3C 217 | 3C 438 | J1428+3938 | J1453+3308 | J1548−3216 | |
z | 0.994 | 0.898 | 0.290 | 0.5 (est) | 0.249 | 0.1082 | |
LAS [′′] | 4.8 | 12.1 | 22.4 | 269 | 336 | 522 | |
R t | 3.0 | 4.0 | 2.7 | 3.4 | 3.8 | 2.9 | |
D [kpc] | 38.5 | 94 | 100 | 1630 | 1297 | 998 | |
θ [°] | 90 | 70 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | |
ν [MHz] | Sν ± ΔSν [mJy] | ||||||
22 | 61 000 ± 500014 | ||||||
26 | 43 000 ± 60008 | 228 000 ± 12 0008 | |||||
38 | 37 200 ± 37207 | 39 000 ± 58509 | 150 290 ± 40 65019 | ||||
38 | 162 840 ± 48 8508 | ||||||
74 | 23 660 ± 237010 | 25 380 ± 2510 | 81 560 ± 816010 | ||||
86 | 23 800 ± 27008 | 24 400 ± 13008 | 86 700 ± 87208 | ||||
151 | 14 870 ± 8937 | 16 498 ± 294 21 | 971 ± 1094 | 2165 ± 110 | |||
151 | 990 ± 957 | ||||||
160 | 8400 ± 840 | ||||||
178 | 14 652 ± 7009 | 15 590 ± 60020 | 51 400 ± 410019 | 2020 ± 200 | |||
178 | 14 388 ± 7198 | 49 620 ± 230019 | |||||
232 | 810 ± 1003 | ||||||
240 | 1667 ± 250 | ||||||
325 | 9676 ± 3501 | 8970 ± 3561 | 29 940 ± 10801 | 428 ± 341 | 1365 ± 140 | ||
334 | 1456 ± 112 | 4737 ± 710 | |||||
365 | 9083 ± 32811 | 8372 ± 24211 | 26 400 ± 95011 | ||||
408 | 7840 ± 61020 | 23 760 ± 48015 | |||||
408 | 7090 ± 2806 | 25 180 ± 198019 | 270 ± 316 | ||||
605 | 970 ± 75 | ||||||
619 | 3141 ± 252 | ||||||
750 | 4230 ± 1778 | 4060 ± 2088 | 13 700 ± 70019 | ||||
750 | 4200 ± 2009 | 4300 ± 14020 | |||||
1287 | 442 ± 34 | ||||||
1384 | 1733 ± 87 | ||||||
1400 | 2582 ± 78 2 | 2087 ± 632 | 6854 ± 2202 | 83 ± 42 | 426 ± 36 | ||
1400 | 2275 ± 17018 | 2230 ± 7020 | 6940 ± 22019 | ||||
1477 | 6410 ± 12816 | ||||||
2495 | 963 ± 30 | ||||||
2695 | 1183 ± 608 | 1011 ± 8020 | 3260 ± 15519 | ||||
2700 | 1020 ± 5020 | 3300 ± 16019 | |||||
4830 | 1635 ± 16417 | ||||||
4850 | 618 ± 45512 | 550 ± 4912 | 1607 ± 14318 | ||||
4860 | 13 ± 35 | 104 ± 8 | 415 ± 42 | ||||
4900 | 1580 ± 6019 | ||||||
5000 | 596 ± 4020 | 477 ± 60 8 | 1529 ± 6019 | ||||
8440 | 765 ± 3813 | ||||||
10550 | 3 ± 26 | ||||||
10695 | 122 ± 388 | 640 ± 4019 | |||||
10705 | 216 ± 30 8 | 130 ± 409 | 600 ± 388 | ||||
14900 | 150 ± 208 | 120 ± 208 | 390 ± 308 |
Reference. The flux densities for J1453+3308 and J1548−3216 are adopted from Konar et al. (2006) and Machalski et al. (2010), respectively.
WENSS (Rengelink et al. 1997);
NVSS (Condon et al. 1998);
Miyun (Zhang et al. 1997);
7C (Waldram et al. 1996);
Machalski et al. (2006);
B3-VLA (Vigotti et al. 1999);
6CII (Hales et al. 1988);
Laing & Peacock (1980);
Kellermann & Pauliny-Toth (1973);
VLSS (Cohen et al. 2007);
TXS (Douglas et al. 1996);
GB6 (Gregory et al. 1996);
Hardcastle et al. (1998);
Roger et al. (1986);
B3 (Ficarra et al. 1985);
Leahy & Pearley (1991);
Griffith et al. (1991);
White & Becker (1992);
Kühr et al. (1981);
Kühr et al. (1979);
7CN (Riley et al. 1999).
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